Mum & Dad wish to purchase an existing vacant property, subdivide into 2 x lots, build 2 x houses and sell both.
Mum & Dad have an intention to make a profit and the sale of the 2 x lots will be on revenue account.
It is the 2022FY. Each lot will sell for $750K.
Should Mum & Dad register for GST?
Yes, in order to claim the GST credits for the project costs.
Tax Tip
Mum & Dad are required to register for GST because they have a profit making intention which is considered an enterprise for GST purposes.
It makes sense to register for GST before incurring project costs, in order to claim any GST credits on those project costs, because of the inevitable requirement to charge GST on the eventual sales.
If Mum & Dad change their minds, to retain 1 or both lots, then GST adjustments can be made to the GST credit claims.
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